Ask Paypayrod

Have a question that you want answered? Well, you have come to the right place! Ask me anything you want, there's not wrong questions!

Note: You can also ask blogging questions.

Frequently Asked Questions:
What's your favorite color(s)? Answer: Aqua and lime green.
What is your favorite animal(s)? Answer: Arctic Wolf and Fox.


  1. 1. What do you think about Spiked Collars?
    2. Wanna be Blogger buddies? (I have no idea what that is but it's alliteration so ya)
    3. Like my blog?
    4. What time zone are you in?
    5. Are you a girl or a boy??
    6. Have you watched Minions yet?
    7. Wanna help me with a plushie comic series I'll be making like, later? (you can help me with the characters and storyline meby)
    8. Wanna help support eachother's blogs? And help eachother's blogs grow?

    Ya I know, I ask alot, and most of them have something to do with Blogging.
